In the latest installment of the Harry Potter films, the young bespectacled wizard faces the darkest, most devious threat of his brief career: the powerful and mysterious leader of a secretive order. Now, some parents are warning that Harry's newest nemesis may be too frightening for young children.
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It has been just 100 days since Pope Benedict XVI was selected to assume the leadership of the Catholic Church, but the new Pontiff has been anything but idle. Benedict nee Ratzinger has been busy issuing scathing criticisms or 'Papal smears' of people and acts. In this Swift Report exclusive, we take a look at some of Benedict's first condemnatas—and the individuals and acts that inspired them.
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Don't accuse President Bush of being one-sided when it comes to the question of who created the earth. In recent remarks, Mr. Bush has encouraged school districts to incorporate both sides of the debate regarding the development of humanity: creationism, the belief that God created the earth in six days, and Inteligent Design, the idea that an unseen force has been guiding our development.
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The trial of the century began in Topeka, KS, this week as jurors weighed the fate of a Topeka High School teacher accused of violating a state law prohibiting the teaching of evolution in Kansas schools. In February, Kansas passed a law making it a crime to deny the Biblical story of divine creation, or to teach that man was descended from a lower order of animals.
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Former Attorney General John Ashcroft is a top contender to become the
next Poet Laureate of the United States, say insiders. But the man who
penned “Let the Eagle Soar” faces a stiff challenge from the favored
candidate of conservative Christians: Roy Moore, former Alabama chief
justice, and the author of “Our American Birthright.”
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