A Kansas resident who underwent stem cell therapy for advanced male pattern baldness has since been diagnosed as gay. The man is now suing his doctors, alleging that they knew he did not want to be the recipient of gay stem cells.
Of the embryonic stem cells approved by President Bush, how many are gay?
TOPEKA, KS—When Marybeth Witty stumbled upon her husband Dale watching a pornographic video on the internet, she knew something was wrong. Instead of looking at images of nude high school cheerleaders and young shaved lesbians as he often had in the past, the 37-year old auto parts salesman was taking in hot guy-on-guy action. "As soon as I saw what he was looking at I knew something was different," said Marybeth, a part-time manicurist who enjoys scrapbooking. "This was not the same Dale."
Finally: a cure for baldnessWhat precisely happened to her husband of eight years? Scientists say that the answer most likely lies in a controversial form of stem cell therapy that Mr. Witty underwent last year in an effort to finally cure the male pattern baldness that had tormented him for more than a decade. The changes in his behavior, says Marybeth, began soon after he—and his new head of hair—returned home. [Click thumbnail to view scientific diagram.]
In a complex procedure that could soon become commonplace at hair clinics across the country, specialists took stem cells from the follicles of a donor, multiplied them in cultures, then implanted them into the scalp of Mr. Witty. Over the following months, the hair doctors coaxed Mr. Witty's new follicle stem cells to begin transmitting signals to his own shrunken, reluctant follicle cells. The result: a thick, healthy head of hair.
Diagnosis: gay
But while Mr. Witty got the lustrous locks of which he'd long dreamt, he may have also gotten something else from the lengthy and often painful procedure: gayness. After his wife found a personal ad that he had posted on gaychristians.com, seeking "pen pals and more," she convinced him to seek medical attention. The diagnosis: Mr. Witty is now gay.
Man says: "I won't take this lying down."Within days of receiving the doctor's verdict, Mr. Witty had retained a lawyer and filed a lawsuit against specialists at Fetal Stem Cells, Inc., the center where he underwent the experimental hair treatment. According to court documents given to the Swift Report, Mr. Witty seeks to have the gay stem cells removed and replaced with straight cells at no cost, and is also demanding $99,000 for alleged pain and suffering.
While no one from FSC was willing to go on record about the pending lawsuit, a source close to the center say that this is not the first time that doctors there have been accused of implanting gay stem cells into straight recipients. "The problem is that you can't ask the stem cells if they are gay or straight," said the source. "You won't know until you've implanted them and they've had a chance to bloom." Experts estimate that as many as 10% of all stem cells could be gay.
Back on the straight and marrow
At home in Topeka, the Witty's say that they're anxious to resume the life they led before Mr. Witty was implanted with the gay stem cells. While they hope that a reversal of the procedure will cure him of his new taste for men, they say that they've got a back up plan prepared—just in case. Next month, Mr. Witty will travel to Orlando, Fla., to the headquarters of Exodus International, a world-renowned organization that helps individuals like Mr. Witty overcome their gayness.
Later this month, Mr. Witty will take his tale on the road, speaking to the 30th annual Exodus Freedom Conference in Asheville, NC, about the dangers of gay stem cells. "I didn't ask to be this way." said Witty, sporting a Caesar haircut. "I hope that the conference will allow me to hook up with other regular joes like me, who had this thrust upon them."
Hermione Slatkin can be reached at [email protected]
does anyone believe even for a second that the stem-cells made this man gay? if you do, i have never met someone who actually is against gay.... dna. or something. Anyways, this is ridiculous and a waste of the court's time. This is the kind of story you would see on the cover of the onion, i mean seriously!
Posted by: Graham | May 03, 2007 at 04:12 PM
this can't be serious!! Gay stem cells?! That "scientific" diagram is total b.s.!!
Posted by: Jbates | May 01, 2007 at 10:58 AM
There are so many things wrong with this story that I don't know where to begin.
Firstly, I was unaware that this procedure had been used on humans. I was only aware of experiments on mice.
Secondly, there would be no reason to use a "donor" for the stem cells as everyone, even those who are completely bald, still have stem cells in their hair folicules. The doctors should have been able to harvest stem cells from Mr. Witty's own hair folicules and multiply them in the laboratory and then re-implant them into his scalp.
Thirdly, I would love to hear how a doctor "diagnosed" Mr. Witty as "gay".
Lastly, I suspect either the writer of the article and/or this web site has some sort of agenda.
Roger Bacon
Posted by: RogerBacon | August 18, 2006 at 10:27 AM
Wow! I would like to know, can it be scientifically verified that the Stem Cell treatment resulted in this man developing homosexual orientation? If so, then this will finally silence gay critics who claim that gayness is some sort of modern lifestyle choice, rather than a legitimate sexual orientation. This will finally prove that homosexuality is genetic and not some choice that individuals make for themselves. As if ANYONE could choose their sexuality? That concept is so ridiculous-nobody has any choice in this matter, you are born the way you are and that is that.
Well actually, having said that, does this not mean that now we have Stem Cell therapy people can choose to be straight instead? Where can I have this Stem Cell treatment at and how much does it cost?
I never chose to be gay and my sexuality has caused me endless heartbreak and humiliation in my life. The constant feeling of being different from everybody else and being treated differently from everyone else, like some sort of freak or pathetic, tragic figure of sympathy. Worse still is the bullying and ostracisation that being openly gay leads to in a lot of cases. I can never walk the streets of my town and EVER feel safe, I constatnly worry that someone will recognise me and attack.
If this Stem Cell treatment works, then I could be like everyone else and have a more normal life. I feel terribly sorry for the guy who was made gay by the treatment, it must be horrible for him. I would not wish being gay on my worst enemy, it has caused me a great deal of pain in my life. I hope that I can change and be straight instead, that would be wonderful. Until then, I can only hope and pray God that I will be cured of this curse someday.
Posted by: John | June 15, 2006 at 10:32 AM
please help me i don't want to be gay no more
Posted by: donald | January 03, 2006 at 12:28 AM
Man, it must have been a big stem.
Posted by: Zed | November 13, 2005 at 04:30 PM
Oh, come on! This is ridiculous. This has got to be the most stupid thing I've ever heard in my life.
Posted by: Noelle | July 19, 2005 at 08:29 AM
There's a little agenda, including pentetrating the sperm banks, you don't know about.
The Gay agenda
Posted by: Doomsday | July 18, 2005 at 08:00 PM
I knew that in America ppl can believe everything stupid they heard; they like to go to court and that they like blame others for their own mistakes, but i never thought that i could stumble upon something as idiotic and homophobic like this. :((
I'm still hoping that this is just some stupid joke.
Posted by: Adrienne | July 15, 2005 at 01:15 AM
Imagine.....being turned gay by a hair stem cell therapy. The religious right has been wrong all these years. It isn't a choice, its in the GENES!
Does this gay-turning include the sudden ability to know how to dress trendy, create a lovely boquet of flowers, or redecorate the TV room in bold colors in time for the fall football season. You go girl! All bald religious conservatives need to line up for this at once.
Posted by: Dick Merle | July 14, 2005 at 08:01 PM
Many thanks for posting the reference to the Exodus programs.
For those of us who end up getting inserted with Genes that we don't like, this could be a good back-up plan to have in-hand.
Posted by: herby2 | July 14, 2005 at 04:46 AM
Gee, if this is true it again proves the Religious Right is, as usual, WRONG!
It is IN THE GENES and thus, is NOT a question of Choice!
Posted by: Neil Reinhardt | July 13, 2005 at 06:59 PM
Gentiles covered with hair? I know quite a few gentiles and some of them are hairy, but this was funnier than the actual bit itself!
Posted by: lelio | July 13, 2005 at 06:12 PM
I guess this proves that homosexuals are really born that way (the way God made them) and it's not a "learned" behavior!
Therefore all gays should be accorded equal rights under the law, including the right to marry same sex partners. Sexual orientation discrimination should be banned in the U.S. Constitution. Also, any effort to "cure" gayness must fail, because it's all in the genes.
Also, I just had to respond to E.L. Overstreet.
I'm sorry that your hair growth treatments didn't work out well, but I guess you should have been happy with the way you were.
By the way, your gentiles are covered with hair? I'd suggest circumcision!
And lose the caps lock key!
And have a nice day!
Posted by: Not Amused | July 13, 2005 at 04:55 PM
Deanna...you are hilarious!
Posted by: jason | July 13, 2005 at 04:36 PM
Aw man. That first poster is a fag.
Posted by: Jonny | July 13, 2005 at 02:42 PM
Posted by: E.L.Overstreet | July 13, 2005 at 07:37 AM