The White House has requested that media outlets refrain from taking pictures of incompetent members of the Bush Administration or particular acts of incompetence. Under the new policy, journalists would be barred from photographing FEMA chief Michael Brown, Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff and President Bush himself. The move comes amid mounting criticism by conservatives that the mainstream media is exaggerating the incompetence of the Administration.
Administration says it wants to protect privacy of incompetent officials
By Deanna Swift
WASHINGTON, DC—The White House announced today that it does not want the news media to take photographs of incompetent officials in the Bush Administration. The ban would also apply to incompetent acts, say sources close to the White House. Under the new policy, journalists would be barred from photographing FEMA chief Michael Brown, Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff and even President Bush itself. The White House hasn’t said whether all photos of Administration officials will be censored.
Respecting the privacy of incompetent officials
According to a White House spokesperson, the ban on photos of incompetent officials and their acts is necessary in order to protect the privacy and dignity of such officials. “We have requested that no photographs of these officials be made by the media,” said the spokesperson.
Media outlets have been awash in photographs of incompetent officials and their acts in recent days. Cameras have repeatedly zoomed in on Mr. Chertoff appearing aloof and uncaring and Mr. Brown looking ineffectual. Even Mr. Bush has been photographed in less than flattering poses and postures. Thanks to the ban, that will all stop, say sources close to the White House. "You won't see anymore shots of the President strumming a guitar or Chertoff grimacing. This is about treating incompetent officials with the utmost dignity and respect."
Hurricane coverage 'too negative'
The ban on images of incompetence comes amid mounting criticism by conservatives that the mainstream media or MSM has been too negative in its reporting on hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. A poll on the Free Republic website found that 83% of those surveyed believed that the media was not reporting honestly on the Katrina disaster. The poll did not ask if respondents supported the White House ban on photos of incompetent officials.
No pictures please
This is not the first time that the notoriously camera shy White House has attempted to move beyond the glare of the political paparazzi. The Pentagon currently bans pictures of dead soldiers coming home from Iraq or any other military installation around the world. Earlier this week, FEMA announced that it would not allow photographers to take pictures of the dead as they are recovered from New Orleans.
Do you agree with the White House that photos of incompetent officials should be barred from news outlets? Talk back to Deanna Swift.
hey kiddies, anyone mentioned lately that this is a satire blog. some of you obviously just don't get it, or is it required that "liberals" have their sense of humour surgically removed.
Posted by: ichi ban cheap charlie | September 13, 2005 at 01:17 PM
To the person who said Bill Clinton caused Hurricane Katrina....No he didn't!!! It was Hillary.
Posted by: Geri | September 12, 2005 at 10:50 AM
"That ain't funny."
"So who's laughing?"
Should I be surprised that so many people think it's a real news item?
Posted by: Dumpster | September 11, 2005 at 10:27 PM
I thought I could not be shocked by this vile, corrupt administration anymore... with it's history of lies, damned lies, and death producing lies,
but I cannot believe this photo ban is for real. When I was reading about it I thought I was reading satirical screed. Somebody please tell me I was right, if not, what are you, the American people going to do about it? Are you going to tolerate this, just the latest example of your freedoms being pulled out from under you? Even conservatives must be deeply offended by this government diktat. What if it had been Clinton who banned the endless replaying of the tape, of his finger waving obfuscation, the rope-line monica hugging, his explaining the meaning of "is"? There would have been hell to pay, and everyone knows it.
The fact is if the banning of pictures of bushie incompetance takes effect, I recommend you cash in your KODAK shares toot sweet!
I guess dubya was talking about more than securing the oil supply and AL QAIDA with his Saudi princes, citizens rights, and how to curb them had to figure prominently their agenda!
You know what? Bush nurses the arrogant notion that the rest of the world, especially your "axis of evil" types are envious of your is to laugh....
Posted by: sandieJOY | September 10, 2005 at 01:22 PM
...There is the natural law of cause and effect, and then of course again, the writing on the wall ... and the sage who cautioned that, "The knowledge that if we infringe upon the rights of others, we become moral thorns and find ourselves entangled at every turn of the road, should be an indication that (national) success is contingent upon the highest moral ideal, which is "The greatest good to the greatest number." Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Posted by: Taiwo | September 10, 2005 at 12:51 PM
You liberals are such whiners! You just don't get it. Hurricanes are acts of God and only hit Blue States. What hit...err, attacked Louisiana and Mississippi was a SUICIDE TERRORIST NAMED AL QUAITRINA! The stand down...err, reactive incompetence...err, anyway, the delay in response at the highest levels comports with NATIONAL SECURITY. Any reasonable person can see that. And Bill Clinton didn't cause "Hurricane Katrina." Worse. He aided the terrorist by cutting the levees.
And stop blaming corporate media self-censorship, black-out and cover-up--as you have since the 2000 Election. Ailes' Fox News shouldn't have to constantly remind you doubting-Thomas liberals that it's Fair and Balanced. Or the New York Times that it Opens Eyes and Opens Minds! Is the channel Clear yet? Abu Graib, any more than "Hurricane Katrina," NEVER HAPPENED!
Besides, good journalism abhors unnamed sources--like dead bodies, whether in the Canal Street of NO or Baghdad, or unconfirmed reports of combat, collateral damage or incompetence from their instigators. After all, Barbara Bush deserves better! What do liberal idiots think the White House Press Room really is, anyway? A gay bordello--err, The Ministry of Information? After all, what do you fool liberals expect? The Ministry of Truth? 1984 was years ago. So get over it!
Posted by: Mr. Parsons | September 10, 2005 at 11:01 AM
Aren't we supposed to have a RIGHT to a free press?
If the Govt. is "censoring" and dictating what the press can and cannot cover, why bother publishing or broadcasting anything? Just move it all to the White House.. . is America ever going to wake up??
Posted by: Pilar | September 10, 2005 at 11:00 AM
Hurricane Corrina, uh, Katherina, uh, what is it again, Laura?, has no respect for democracy. We should appreciate our elected officials' timely and authoratative response to this cowardly act of terrorism. Besides, as Barbara says, those people will have it much better in the compassionate state of Texas.
Posted by: Barry | September 10, 2005 at 10:10 AM
Grover Cleveland caused Katrina, way back in 1895...he was a Democrat, you know...
Posted by: forklift | September 10, 2005 at 01:33 AM
Isn't this the way Mussolini and the Romanov dynasty
handled bad press? Just remember how they wound up!
It might be a good idea to stock up on rotten tomatoes, just in case....
Posted by: anthony v. cuccia | September 09, 2005 at 09:20 PM
Isn't this the way Mussolini and the Romanov dynasty
handled bad press? Just remember how they wound up!
It might be a good idea to stock up on rotten tomatoes, just in case....
Posted by: anthony v. cuccia | September 09, 2005 at 09:19 PM
Im suprised they didnt think of this sooner. The administration doesnt look to good in pictures. Maybe they wont allow bush to make speeches anymore. Thats where the real incompetence comes out.
Posted by: ross | September 09, 2005 at 06:35 PM
Why don't they just put bags over their heads ? Can you say paper or plastic W ?
Posted by: Priscilla Kenney | September 09, 2005 at 05:43 PM
Ruling out all incompetent officials in the Administration leaves no one to take pictures of.....
How did our country get in such a mess in such a short period? Please don't answer that, as the answer is quite obvious.....
Posted by: Scotty G | September 09, 2005 at 04:38 PM
Wait a minute... since when have we been living in a communist society? I think aliens abducted me and dropped me back off in the wrong country.
Posted by: JoeSchmoe | September 09, 2005 at 12:45 PM
It strikes me as at least possible that the ban on photographs may be because the subjects' images don't show up on the finished picture. Isn't that presumably one of the consequences of having bartered away one's soul?
Posted by: xristim | September 09, 2005 at 12:32 PM
Heaven Help US!
Third Branch of Government, The Supreme Court
Crony Chief Justice Roberts = Crony Mike Brown (FEMA)
Posted by: Kay | September 09, 2005 at 11:43 AM
If this is true along with nominating Brownie
for Supreme Court, I have only one thing to say.
This administration has completly flipped out.
Impeach? Hell! It's time for the straight jacket and
the men (and burly women) in the white jackets to
invade the White House.
Posted by: Bart | September 09, 2005 at 11:28 AM
Why not take pictures of the incompetent losers? We obsessed of Janets boob for how long?
Posted by: Diana Zuniga | September 09, 2005 at 11:15 AM
yeah, butbutbut...those photos will only serve to support our enemies and incite more bad weather.
Posted by: Antares | September 09, 2005 at 10:03 AM
Don't we have free press anymore or have they taken that away also?
Posted by: Michelle | September 08, 2005 at 06:44 PM
Can ya blame 'em?
Posted by: JCC | September 08, 2005 at 06:05 PM
Bill Clinton caused Hurricane Katrina
Posted by: Newt Robertson | September 08, 2005 at 11:54 AM