Forget about isosceles triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem—they're square. The hottest trend in high-school math these days is deometry, the study of how the Creator created points, lines, angles, shapes and proofs. While critics decry the entry of religion into math class, fans of the new teaching method maintain that by giving God a primary role in geometry and other fields of mathematics, they are merely restoring balance to an area that has sought to remove all vestiges of religion from the public polygon.
'On the fourth day God created the triangle'
By Cole Walters
TOPEKA, KS—It's back to school time and for Topeka High School freshmen that means geometry, a form of mathematics that has bedeviled high-school students since the beginning of time. But this year, the freshman class will be introduced to something different: deometry, the study of how the Creator created points, lines, angles, shapes and proofs.
Math for Deommies
First on the Deometry 101 agenda: understanding what deometry means. While geometry comes from two Greek words: 'geo' meaning 'earth' and 'metron' meaning 'measure,' the new class incorporates a Latin root, 'deo,' meaning God. "The problem we ran into is that you can't measure the earth without crediting God with having created it," explains Topeka High math teacher and golf coach Mac Bresnahan.
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Creating the earth, inventing the circle
While Mr. Bresnahan has been teaching geometry at the school for nearly 30 years, he notes that he had become increasingly frustrated with a field that all but ignored the role of a Creator. "I'd be teaching the kids how to find the center of a circle using a compass and somebody would raise their hand and ask 'well who invented the circle?'" Mr. Bresnahan recalls. "I'd want to tell the truth, that it was God, but that's against Topeka High policy."
Religion and the public polygon
But Topeka High policy has changed thanks to a new push by conservative Christian members of the Kansas school board to get His role recognized throughout the K-12 curriculum, from science classes that incorporate Intelligent Design, to deometry, to 'deoconomics,' the study of the allocation of scarce resources that assumes that God is the "invisible hand" that powers the motor of the US economy. The school board is also reportedly considering a measure that would allow high school seniors to substitute Bible study for driver education classes.
Rethinking the Pythagorean Theorem
For the freshmen lucky enough to take Deometry 101 with Mr. Bresnahan, scoring a good grade depends on their ability to comprehend God's role as creator of points, lines, angles and shapes. Later in the semester, for example, Mr. Bresnahan plans to introduce the Pythagorean Theorem—Pythagoras' 2000-year-old discovery about the relationship among the squares on the sides of a right triangle—but with a twist. Whereas students in the past students would have used Pythagoras' Theorem to solve problems involving right triangles, now they'll learn something more basic: that God created the triangle, the leg and the hypotenuse.
"The classic way of teaching Pythagoras is to say that a^2 + b^2 = c^2 and have students solve for 'c,'" explains Bresnahan. "Now we're teaching students something much more essential: how to solve for 'G.'"
In what other high school courses should His role be emphasized? Talk back to Cole Walters.
Let's always give thanks for the blessings we receive; and return the goodness He continuously gives us. Religion only makes people religious. It is Christ who offers salvation. His love for us is constant, and He gladly receives those who come back to Him.
Posted by: Nette | January 21, 2010 at 10:29 AM
Influence can be defined as the power exerted over the minds and behavior of others. A power that can affect, persuade and cause changes to someone or something. In order to influence people, you first need to discover what is already influencing them. What makes them tick? What do they care about? We need some leverage to work with when we’re trying to change how people think and behave.
Posted by: henrylow | December 29, 2009 at 12:31 AM
Is this a joke? Really? Or are there people in America who further want to dilute the pool of 10 talented people in the States by wrecking their early educational start? God must be rolling over in his grave.
Posted by: Alex | October 27, 2005 at 11:25 AM
Just so everyone's aware: the "Pythagorus was not a Christian" sign is most likely fake. I went to the website churchsigngenerator and their jpg advertisement is the same except for the words.
Posted by: Cliff | October 14, 2005 at 11:48 AM
Posted by: Jeff | September 29, 2005 at 10:08 PM
If this is a joke, it is beyond compare.
It is, right?
Otherwise - time to move to Canada.
Posted by: Kellin Mikkar | September 11, 2005 at 05:09 PM
Is Deometry where you show that the sum of three sides of a deity equals one?
Posted by: John Wilkins | September 03, 2005 at 08:12 PM
I've got proof for tying together the Deometry Theory of Math and the Intelligent Design Theory of Creation. I've done the math and consulted with the oracles and the good folks at the Discovery Institute, and the indisputible fact is that the math proves that we do not yet exist. Evolution has not yet even begun.
Also, I have shown through numerological advances too complex to parse in this short comment that Adam was not the pinnacle of god's creation, but an interloper intent on his own personal self-gratification.
Posted by: Bob Davis | September 03, 2005 at 10:19 AM
Heywood, I'm doubled up in pain, tears rolling down my face. Oh I needed that...
Posted by: Buridan | September 02, 2005 at 10:41 PM
Article: Hahahahahahahahaha. It starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane Lenny Bruce is not afraid....
To the Fundamentalists:
Different subjects were created in education because people wanted to be able to explore divergently the wonders of our existence. You may think that your God rules over all these dominions. So did clerics in the dark ages. The Renaissance, which your long dead cohorts so thoroughly tried to stop, emphasized the diversification and exploration of knowledge. Personally, I don't want to go back to the days of burning "heretics"(some of the few brillant minds of the dark ages) becuase they wanted to learn something besides a doctrine that YOU believe.
Posted by: Alex | September 01, 2005 at 08:46 AM
Remember, the Pythagorean Theorem is just that - only a theorem. How wonderful that our children can now learn both sides of these controversial mathematics issues.
Now if we can just get all the English teachers to require students to write both secular and non-secular papers. Heck, why stop at English? We have foreign language classes too!
Posted by: Tony | August 31, 2005 at 08:30 PM
Pythagorus caused 9/11.
People don't cause car crashes, Satan does.
Get used to it. Everything is godly or ungodly in origination, existence, causation and importance. Period.
Imagine the intellectual chaos if those traitorous democrats won and left science to scientists and education to educators. The horror... the horror.
Posted by: Beavis of Nazareth | August 31, 2005 at 12:33 PM
Heywood, I think tex was being ironic.
If there's one thing these religious freakos have in
common is educated denial, I doubt one would honestly talk about anal sex as a good option for preserving a young girl's virginity.
Anyways, that's what the young deflowered virgin sleeping next to me said before she came. ;P
Posted by: MOose | August 31, 2005 at 12:29 PM
How do you argue with ignorance like Tex & Lulu?? Obviously you both have barely a high school education! It is a shame that you promote this, but it's an even greater travisty of American Intelligence! It's no wonder 9/11 happened with thoughts like yours Tex & Lulu!! America's only hope is that people like you 2 die off quickly and our new generations reject any and all religious mantra!!
With that said I feel like de-flowering a virgin and teaching her that God is a lie!! >:)
Posted by: Heywood Jablome | August 31, 2005 at 11:06 AM
I'd like to see God's Own Circus take the "no subject left behind" movement to sex education next. Everyone knows that sex is an act between a man and a woman out of love and that a filthy whore who has sex out of wedlock is damned to hell with all her breathen spawn.
That's why we need to encourge young Christians to have anal sex in order to protect their Holiest of Holes for marriage. Too many young ladies are squandering their virginity when they could safely be having their little Christian bums pounded and be able to honestly say, "I've never done it with anyone" on their wedding day.
Posted by: Tex Houston | August 31, 2005 at 06:46 AM
I hope this is the begining of REAL educational reform, by the rightful pedagogues of knowledge for 6000 years, Neo-fundamentalists.
The 'No subject left behind' initiative will not only facilitate a much needed convergence of education's purpose, but save billions of dollars in text-book purchases every year. In fact, most families already have a copy of the new 'all in one' textbooks!
Posted by: Lulu Tishneski | August 30, 2005 at 01:58 PM