A pre-kindergartner who included God on his list of 'favorite things' has been expelled from his California school for breaching the wall between church and state. School officials say that three-year old Jacob Sapperstein can return to school next week, after counselors have had a chance to assess the damage done to his classmates.
Parents say Jacob may have been trying to spell 'DOG'
By Cole Walters, education correspondent
MARINDELL, CA--What started out as just another day at pre-kindergarten ended in tears and restraints for one three-year-old after he mistakenly included 'God' on his list of favorite things. Teacher Erica Rusty immediately notified school officials, who summoned local authorities. And while his fellow students at Bryant Elementary School had their afternoon naptime, young Jacob Sapperstein was being led away in a squad car, charged with breaching the wall between church and state.
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Secular things only please
When the offense occurred, explains Ms. Rusty, the students were engaged in an exercise called 'favorite things,' an assignment intended to improve their spelling and penmanship by listing a few items that they like best. "Some kids write down 'mom' or 'dad' or maybe the name of a pet, even a favorite video game." As the children practiced writing on wide-lined paper, Ms. Rusty went from desk to desk supervising their work. "As soon as I saw what Jacob had written, I knew we were in big trouble."
The anti-God squad?
In just minutes, Principal Marcia Neiman-Jarvis had stepped in, first removing Jacob from the classroom, then notifying the authorities. "We're following the letter of the law," explains Neiman-Jarvis. "There is a strict separation between church and state, and Jacob breached it. Whether he did so intentionally or by accident remains to be seen."
Principal Neiman-Jarvis dismisses complaints by some teachers and parents, including Jacob Sapperstein's mother and father, that the three-year-old was removed from school property in an unnecessarily harsh fashion. He was not placed in handcuffs, she notes, as his wrists were too small. "The police used twist ties of the sort that you might use to secure a garbage bag. Jacob was perfectly comfortable."
Kindergartners left behind
The incident is just the latest in an epidemic of expulsions of youngsters from their kindergarten class rooms for offenses that run the gamut from kicking to biting and hair pulling. A recent study by researchers at Yale University, entitled "Pre-Kindergartners Left Behind," found that three and four-year olds are being thrown out of school in record numbers, and as a result could be 'left behind' to face seven years of earthquakes, floods and blood-boiling fires during the period known as the Tribulation. It is not known what percentage of kindergartners have been expelled for breaching the wall between church and state.
Pleading for mercy
Jacob's parents, Judith and Michael Sapperstein, have acknowledged the seriousness of their son's offense, but say that they hope Bryant Elementary will show him some leniency because of his age--and the fact that this is Jacob's first instance of anti-secular behavior. Michael Sapperstein also notes that there is some evidence that Jacob's error was not intentional. "He's not a strong speller. He definitely has a tendency to get things turned around. So we're hoping that what happened here was that Jake was trying to spell 'dog.' He adores Lilly, our 10-year-old golden retriever."
Traumatized tots
As for the three and four-year-olds with whom Jacob Sapperstein had, until this week, been spending part of each day, Ms. Rusty says that they're recovering from the incident--with the aid of some onsite counseling. "We've spent a lot of time talking about what happened, about what Jacob did that was wrong and what is and is not appropriate to talk about in the classroom, whether we're listing our favorite things or doing show and tell."
A school for secularists
This is not the first time that Bryant Elementary has made headlines for its aggressive defense of the separation between church and states. Last year the school attracted the ire of conservative commentators and advocates for Christ after it banned all gifts containing the word 'God,' including Godiva brand chocolates, books, videos or DVD's of the Godfather, along with images of Godzilla. A memo from Principal Neiman-Jarvis outlining the school's controversial ban on God-related gifts quickly became a cause celeb among conservatives.
Should elementary schools have a zero tolerance policy for kids who breach the wall between church and state? Talk back to [email protected]
Amazing, I didn't heard about this topic until now. Thankz.
Posted by: nawlentyBen | January 03, 2010 at 08:05 PM
if u cannot speak of God then why is GAy hertiage allowed better yet why is world history allowed yeah think people Religion isn't only religion it is also part of world culture.
Posted by: janella | December 16, 2008 at 10:00 PM
This is ridiculous. First of all, if I was this child's parents I would be suing every person in the state. That is outrageous and to escort him away in a squad car like he was some sort of criminal! People are crazy. He loves God, so what. That teacher needs to get a life.
Posted by: Brittany | November 18, 2007 at 12:55 PM
I just cannot believe that they did that to a three year old little boy. I have a three year old myself, and I am greatly disturbed by this, if someone would have done that kind of stupidity to my child I would fight it all the way to the supreme court if I had to.
Whatever happened to the right to express yourself?
Posted by: Michelle Embry | September 10, 2007 at 12:26 PM
I am deeply disturbed and appalled that the people of this country can be so stupid.
The first thing I want to do is to say that at the age of three I could already write notes to my mom, such as, "I love you Mommy." So it is quite possible that the child who wrote "GOD" knew exactly what he was writing. I wanted to point this out because some people have left comments saying that 3-year-olds can't spell words anyway. This is not true.
The second thing I would like to do is rant. Rant about the stupidity of these people who think that "seperation of church and state" is a line in the Constitution.
News Flash: IT'S NOT!
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
Those are the exact words. In fact, those words actually say that the government can't prohibit the free excercise of religion. So why can't 3-year-olds write "GOD" and why can't people bring Bibles to school?
(Oh, I've been wondering...does anyone here know if all religions are barred from having religious texts in school or if it's just the Bible that's barred? I'm really curious about that.)
I learned in school that our country was a place where people from all over the world came seeking the freedom to practice their religions freely and to have successful lives. Where has this dream gone? Why are the people of one religion (Christianity) trying to take over and convert everyone? Why are the close-minded polititians trying to force religion out of our lives? Why is MTV so immoral?
What has happened to the United States? We're a nation of cynics. We need more open-minded people. What the world needs now is love...and a hell of a lot of duct tape.
Posted by: Melissa | June 15, 2006 at 08:36 PM
3-year old? Good Lord. Tell them to get a life. A 3 year old doesnt even know what religion is. Trying to be all secular this country is becoming more discriminating then ever. Before Atheists were considered bad people. Its turn for people who believe in God???? And for Pete's sake it was a 3 year old.... goddd
Posted by: v|rtuaL | October 10, 2005 at 03:47 AM
I cannot find a Marindell, CA nor can I find a Michael Sapperstein listed in the msn White Pages. I suspect a hoax.
Posted by: Ralph Hughes | August 25, 2005 at 07:02 PM
I am amazed at the number of folks that are so offended by this. I was cuffed at three for calling my bitch a dog, or was that my god, a bitch, no no, my dog a bitch.
Unfortunately I had no real power to scribble it on something in legible script, alas the charges were dropped as hearsay, or was that heresy? Can't remember because I WAS THREE!
Catch a clue. I am Democrat, own guns, cuss, believe in God, am a real sinner, believe in the separation of church and state for all the obvious reasons, and still not totally convinced that evil was evident in the hearts and minds of the guys that wrote our constitution.
Think of it this way; If your son is bringing home D's in his english class and he's flunking history, just imagine how proud you will be when he flunks theology 101, because we decided that public schools could handle religious education. No God left behind.
I could rant more, but I won't
Krazed and Difused,
Posted by: Kelly Nickell | August 05, 2005 at 05:55 PM
Once, again, thank you for making me feel so superior. The knowlage that no matter what, I'll never be as ignorant as these people helps me sleep at night.
Posted by: Daniel | July 11, 2005 at 08:32 PM
Its kind of funny how the child "SPELLED" the word God...and the reporting teacher and or Principal had to call the authorities to get them to come there in the first place...thus by "SAYING" what the child spelled.Which then is the greater crime?...the child spelling it or the one SAYING it? Seems like that was a nasty breach of school policy by VOICING the name of God on School property.Seems like they should have cuffed and stuffed the windbag that started it all,or is she exempt from her own policy? And what idiot of a policeman would cuff a three year old?...I guess theres plenty of danger of getting crayon marks on the back of the plexi-glass windows in the back seat of a squad car...ahh..to protect and serve...protect WHO???and serve what???
Posted by: Charlie | July 06, 2005 at 06:03 PM
Quite right too - we can't clamp down on this kind of bigoted proselytism enough. The next thing you know, he'll be wanting to say grace before his midday meal.
Posted by: JohnKerry | July 04, 2005 at 03:45 PM
God Bless America no matter how messed up she may be. I do not agree with Satire such as this but who knows if Christians don't start making as much fuss as the athiest's do the world may actually come to this. Roscha
Posted by: Roscha | July 03, 2005 at 08:14 PM
why don't we let GOD take care of himself. If he's existent, he would do the right think to keep his NAME alive even without our helps. The people who try to defend their GODS have done more harm to the world than good.
Posted by: Sanch | June 29, 2005 at 04:18 AM
If I were this child's parents I would bring the biggest law suit that the state would ever see. My God that is right I said God the child is a three-year old. What did they want him to spell "devil"?
Posted by: Connie Hornsby | June 28, 2005 at 04:48 PM
This world is crazy. I honestly can not believe that they would expel a three-year old for writing the word God. I highly doubt he can even spell. I have a five-year old that can't even spell yet. I hope the California school district gets sued. I also hope they are held accountable for the trauma they have put this child through. They are treating this child like a criminal. Do you honestly think a three-year old knows what separation of church and state is? I can not believe this school had the audacity to have this child taken out in restraints in a squad car. Do you know how much damage was done to this child? Does anyone care about that? I also can not believe his parents feel their child is in the wrong. What happend to the First Amendment, and what it stands for? Where are people's priorities today? Oh i forgot, selling sex is more important than God is.
Posted by: Brendalee Kurr | June 28, 2005 at 02:03 PM
Personally, i am an atheist. And religion shows up too much in schools. Christian groups are allowed, but when i try to start an atheist group i need to get counseling? How about i didnt stand to say the pledge because its unconstitutional, and the school threatenedd suspension and the guidance counselor called me unamerican?
tell me religion isnt messing up america.
Posted by: james | June 28, 2005 at 08:46 AM
Posted by: sandi | June 27, 2005 at 07:11 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA thank you, I needed that. It's great how there are so many ignorant people out there, isn't it? And they're educating OUR youth at this very moment. Pretty much every day! Hahaha! Great!
Posted by: God | June 27, 2005 at 04:25 PM
First, can a three year old write? I have a three year old grandson, that is doing good, to draw a picture, he can talk very well, but yet to write. Now I know there are a few three year olds that are very smart and maybe this child was one of them. I have a hard time believeing that a teacher would do something so ridiculous. If this is true then THIS COUNTRY IS HEADED IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. We christian need to pray more and don't be afraid to keep God where He has always been in our school, in our homes, with our leader.
Posted by: Selva | June 27, 2005 at 10:04 AM
I am appalled by what has happened to this child. I can not believe the parents are saying they know what their son did was serious.. Cripes.. He is 3 years old. He doesn't even know what anti-secular behavior is. What happened to freedom of religion ? In todays world, anyone can say anything except about God. This is truely sad. We are no longer a nation under God. We are a nation without God. And, it will be the ruin of us. As for me, I stand proud to say I love God. I guess they would have used the big handcuffs for me.
Posted by: Debby | June 26, 2005 at 12:59 AM
I don't believe in Dog...
Posted by: Anonymous | June 18, 2005 at 11:24 PM
There was a time when my daughter, who is now 20, misspelled "ditch" and she had to apologize to her second-grade teacher. How much worse will things be when my 14-month-old granddaughter starts school? Even though this may be a hoax now, we don't really know what may happen in the next few years as this anti-Christ spirit gets more and more acceptance. It is also quite remarkable what words are allowed to be used in prime-time and even children's programming.
Posted by: Betty H. Andrews | June 04, 2005 at 02:43 PM
The separation of church and state does not mean that the church cannot be within the state, it just means that the church cannot CONTROL the state. The reverse is also true. If that three-year old were truly part of the church, then the state could not have done what they did. And a squad car? come on? how scared do you think the child was to be taken away in a squad car? I think that was totally uncalled for. If anything were to be done, it should have been to start a discussion with the child. Even then, that is discrimination of the Freedom of Speech and Religion because they would have then singled the child out and would have probably said that (s)he could not do that. The Freedom of Religion also extends to within the state!
Totally outrageous to see something like this happen, and to a three-year old no less.
Posted by: Josh Hemm | May 27, 2005 at 06:40 PM
I wonder if Bryant Elementary refuses cash donations because it has the words, "In God we trust" on it. I wonder if any student would be banned if their names were Goddard or Godet?
I hope this school system is sued. There is a serious misunderstanding of the seperation of church and state.
Posted by: Michael Young | May 25, 2005 at 06:28 PM
The sad things is.......our nation has been raped of it's freedoms, by all the sicknesses and beliefs of people from other nations moving in and taking over. At this point of time...we no longer have freedom of speach and religion .....we may offend someone. GIVE ME A BREAK! Although the story of Jacob isn't true....
how far are we away from this happening to our older children. If we don't fight back .....fight for our freedom to say 'God's' name to anyone...we'll lose it completely.
Posted by: Kat Stephens | May 24, 2005 at 06:25 PM