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April 27, 2005

Pope's Scrapbook Shows Softer Side

Newpope_thumbBenedict XVI may be known for his 'take no prisoners' approach to theological enforcement but the "Panzer Pope" also has a softer side. Like millions of people around the globe, the new Pontiff is a fervent adherent of the art of 'scrapbooking.' Called 'scrapping' by true believers, it's a hobby that involves pasting pictures, newspaper clippings and other memorabilia into custom-decorated albums, then supplementing these images with personal thoughts or reflections known as "journaling."

Colorblocking, cropping and plenty of Eucharistic embellishments help the holy scrapper bring his personal history to life

By Russell D'Arby, arts and entertainment correspondent

Editor's note: This special feature on the 'Scrapbookus Papum' is the first of a Swift Report series on celebrity scrapbooking. In the coming weeks and months, we'll shine an exclusive light on the personal collages of such scrappy celebs as Ann Coulter, Tom DeLay and Dr. James Dobson.

VATICAN CITY-- Benedict XVI may be known for his 'take no prisoners' approach to theological enforcement, but the "Panzer Pope" also has a softer side. Like millions of people around the globe, the new Pontiff is a fervent adherent of the art of 'scrapbooking.' Called 'scrapping' by true believers, it's a hobby that involves pasting pictures, newspaper clippings and other memorabilia into custom-decorated albums, then supplementing these images with personal thoughts or reflections known as "journaling."

And while the 265th Pontiff has been busy of late, shoring up the one true faith and cracking down on filth and deviance within the church, he has still found plenty of time for 'memory making.' Here are some of our favorites of the "Pope's Pages."





April 27, 2005 | Permalink


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I was ROFLMAOPIMP when I read this article and saw the scrapbook pages. Great job! Heil Scrapbookus Papum

Posted by: Caity | May 5, 2005 12:34:53 PM

The evidence here shows the pope is not sorry about his actions during WWII. Look like he is still a nazis sypathizer. Go figure, he is a Reich winger!

I am surprised Ratzinger did not repsect JPII and made fun of him in his scrapbook. You learn something new everyday.

Posted by: Joe | May 2, 2005 11:12:36 AM

The joke on "Scrapbookus Papum" isn't that funny. Try something more creative.

When I look at the scrap pages you guys created, all I can think of is the word: pathetic. I'd expect Jimmy Kimmel having this fake scrapbook on his Jimmy Kimmel LIVE show.

Posted by: Fred Annet | May 2, 2005 10:34:31 AM

Doesn't the Bible tell us that "a leopard doesn't change his spots" ???

Posted by: Carl Miller | Apr 29, 2005 5:26:07 PM

I too love to go scraping. I was a little nervous about this new pope, with the hitler-youth and his anti-60's stuff being the main thing we knew about him, but now that we have something more in common , well, frankly it puts my mind at ease. I hope you'll discover other things about the new pope that will give us more insight into his real self and perhaps more folks in this country will come to see that he is really not that much different than most Americans and Germans.

Posted by: Vermont Farmguy | Apr 27, 2005 7:28:00 AM

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