According to the liberal media, President Bush’s plan for
private Social Security accounts is sinking like a stone. But when
conservative blogger Deanna Swift took a recent trip to Florida, she
uncovered a very different story. “Everyone I met was enthusiastic
about the president’s plan,” says Swift, editor of the Swift Report, a
popular conservative weblog.
From the links to the shore, support for Bush’s policies is strong
By Deanna Swift
Dear reader:
Imagine my surprise when I opened the New York Times last week to find a poll indicating that most Americans think that President Bush is out of step with their priorities. Of course I couldn’t help but wonder, who in the heck are these pollsters talking to?
For the past week, I’ve been down here in Naples, FL conducting an impromptu ‘listening tour’ in support of President Bush’s ingenious plan for private Social Security accounts. And as you can image, I’ve been hearing something quite different than what’s been reported by the elite liberal media. From the golf course to the shore to the many private homes in which I was graciously welcomed, I can assure you that everyone I met thinks that private accounts are a great idea!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful, I thought to myself, if my many readers could share this experience with me? If only the Grey Oaks Country Club were big enough to hold all of us! Instead, I’ve prepared a scrapbook to give you a taste of the reality that hasn’t made it past the media filter. I hope you enjoy it!
Deanna Swift can be reached at [email protected].
The Republican party should make a commerical with Roosevelt holding a gun to a citizen's head demanding 8% of his income while telling the citizen it's for his own good your'e to stupid to save for your own retirement. Then they should show the citizen triing to ge his money back and have Roosevelt saying sorry I had expenses stop your wineing maybe I can give you something if you live to 70 have his family looking for a death benifit and Roosevelt giving them $600.00 then end with comments from main stream Democrats stating what a wonderfull program social security is.
Posted by: donald donnelly | March 21, 2005 at 08:15 AM
Simply lo-ove the hat and your oh-so-scientific survey about Social Security! Are you sure you are not a Billionaire, darling? At any rate, we MUST do lunch sometime!
Ivana Moore-Enmoore
Richly Upholstered Chair
Boston-Metro Chapter
Billionaries for Bush
Posted by: Ivana Moore-Enmoore | March 11, 2005 at 11:26 PM
While you were down there, where you at Disney World the whole time? Come out of fantasy land for a change, Naples, FL is not a microcosm of the U.S. I polled everyone in the Upper West Side and they are completely opposed to Bush, does that mean that 100% of America is opposed to Bush? Take a logic course.
Posted by: Chet Shuttlesworth | March 10, 2005 at 02:55 PM
Work on the hat.........
Posted by: bd | March 10, 2005 at 11:03 AM
Maybe if I support privatization, they'll let me into the country club.
Posted by: Sen. Joe L. | March 10, 2005 at 10:09 AM
The results of your research came as no surprise to this writer. Where I work, everyone I know is totally in favor of the plan. But we can't tell anyone in the press that because the management has told us to keep our mouths shut until it passes. It's frustrating, I can tell you.
Sometimes working on Wall Street is such a pain.
Posted by: dwr | March 10, 2005 at 07:50 AM
If you let your back heel come up during your follow through, I think you'd slice less.
Posted by: CRL | March 10, 2005 at 07:23 AM
rich people are so smart! that's why they're rich. however can i get into their gene pool?
Posted by: travy | March 09, 2005 at 11:33 PM
I had no idea private accounts were such a great idea. Before I visited your site I thought they were just a clever way for them to phase out a depression era entitlements program that they never liked to begin with. Now im considering supporting the bush plan ...but probably not before he tells me what that plan is.
your new fan,
Posted by: phil | March 09, 2005 at 10:40 PM
Very nice handwriting.
Posted by: David | March 09, 2005 at 09:46 PM